Parish Sponsors - Is This You???
Each year we have a number of adults who are exploring membership in the Catholic Church, or are desiring to complete their initiation into the Church.
Many times they come to us alone. Sponsors are people who walk this journey of faith with these candidates. Sponsors accompany the seeker as they discern God’s call to live as a Catholic, offering support, encouragement, a listening ear, and a connection with the larger parish community. Parish Sponsors join the seeker for weekly sessions and special rituals, invite them to parish events, introduce them to the life of the community, and help them grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Parish sponsors don’t have to know everything about the Church – they are not the catechists, but rather companions on the journey of faith – people who want to share the joy of their relationship with Jesus and the Church with others.
We are in need of active, faith-filled parishioners to serve as parish sponsors for those in RCIA and Welcome Home. If this is where God is calling you, please contact Marcie Wilske (702-804-8370) at