Around the Diocese


Preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony? Check out the Marriage Preparation and Natural Family Planning classes offered in our Diocese.

Preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony? Check out the Marriage Preparation andNatural Family Planning classes offered in our Diocese.
Televised Masses for the Homebound

To view the Televised Masses for the Homebound, and to learn more about this outreach from the Diocese of Las Vegas, go to the Televised Masses for the Homebound page on this website.  

A Very Special Visit From Bishop Joseph Pepe
Read More & see more photos.

Life Matters: A Catholic Response to the Death Penalty

Abortion, euthanasia, domestic abuse, gang related violence, terrorism, murder, mass shootings, expressions of hatred or racism and other acts contrary to the dignity of persons… all of these crimes cry out for justice. Yet we are a people of hope, and St. Paul reminds us that “in hope we were saved”

(Rom 8:24). More Info.

Priest Assignments for 2015 More Info.

Spanish Grief Support Group Meets Every Thursday 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

At Nathan Adelson Hospice 4141 Swenson Street, Las Vegas, NV 89119 (between Flamingo Rd & Harmon) More Info.

Retrouvaille (Re-tro-vi) can Help Give Your Marriage a New Beginning!! If you are living in the disappointment and pain of a marriage in trouble, whether it is from lack of communication or something more serious, the Church offers an alternative to divorce. Retrouvaille will help you rebuild your marriage, scheduled for OCTOBER 9, 2015. Please take a brochure in the back of the church and call Chuck and Carol Moore for more information at (702) 604-1006.

Lay Dominican Community of Las Vegas Invites you to pray and study with us in community.
Catholic men and women of every walk of life belong to Lay Dominican communities. We join together to pray, to study, and to be of service to others. Lay Dominicans meet on most fourth Saturdays of every month at the St. Thomas Aquinas, Newman Center UNLV Campus, 4765 Brussels St., Las Vegas NV 89119. For more information or for future dates and times, contact: Mr. Dan Morin OP at 249-2399 or Fr. Alber Felice-Pace OP 763-0887.
Why Join the Knights of Columbus?
The Knights of Columbus Order has been called “the strong right arm of the Church”, and has been praised by popes, presidents and other world leaders for support of the Church, programs of evangelization, Catholic education and civic involvement. Ask an usher about the KOC today or contact Ernest Ergottino 336.1977

Knights of Columbus-Ladies Auxiliary
Attention Ladies! If your husband is a member of the Knights of Columbus, or if you are a widow of a Knight, please join us! Please attend our next council meeting on the second Thursday of the month (the same time as the Knight’s
meeting.) Contact: Irene O’Rourke 256-8684.

Knights of Columbus Squires -Youth Organization
For young men who are practicing Catholics between ages 10 and 17. The Columbian Squires Circle 5271 at SEAS is a Catholic youth organization that builds character and develops leadership. All are welcome to join and participate in the many various activities. Contact: Don Woods, Chief Counselor, 254-6606. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council 11029.

Invitation to All Catholic Veterans

Come join Our Lady of Peace Post 1947. The most active Catholic War Veteran Post in the nation. We operate a food bank and assist needy and homeless veterans. We have a program which educates the youth in our community in patriotic themes and are involved in religious programs. We are the only Catholic organization in the nation that is chartered by the United State Congress. All active duty military, including the National Guard Reserves, U.S. Merchant Marines and all honorably discharged veterans, who have served during PEACE and WAR TIME are encouraged to join. Contact: Jim 686-5666.

“Ethics in the Marketplace” is the title of the ministry of Jesuit, Fr. Max Oliva, who makes his home in the Vegas valley. Father Oliva is the presider for the 12:10 P.M. Mass at the Cathedral on the last Wednesday of each month. The focus of his homilies is Living One’s Faith in the Workplace. For information on Father’s work, see his web site: