Human Concerns Ministry

Outreach Ministry: 702-804-8311
Food Pantry:  702-804-8317

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me"

Matthew 25:35-36

The SEAS Human Concerns Ministry
is committed to helping those in need in our community.
By performing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, 
we carry out our baptismal promise to bring Christ to others through 
various programs and activities from three areas of service:

• Food Based Programs
• Charitable Drives
• Social Justice Advocacy

If you are in need of assistance, would like to learn more about our ministry
or are interested in volunteering in any of our outreach opportunities,
contact Pastoral Associate for Human Concerns 
Patti McGuire at  or 702-804-8311.

We do NOT accept donations of clothes or household appliances.
We do not have the space to store such items. 
Please do not bring these things to the church.
Thank you for understanding.

SEAS Human Concerns Ministry Seeking

Committee Leader(s) and Strategy Members


Come help us plan, organize and carry out:


Outreach Drives:

Backpack & School Supplies, Thanksgiving, Angel Tree, Easter Basket


Parish and Community Activities:

Remembrance Luncheon (December)

A Place at the Table Breakfast (February)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Day at Catholic Charities (January)


                    • Monthly Saturday (9-10:30 a.m.) planning meetings                                                  in the parish hall

                    • Possible subcommittees and projects during the month

                    • Registration of clients for Outreach Drives - a few Saturdays                               throughout the year

               • Invite parishioners and community members to special events

               • Oversee and attend distribution of Outreach Drives and event


Meeting Dates / Outreach Distribution / Events 

  • Saturday, March 8, 2025: Easter Basket Drive planning
  • Saturday, April 12, 2025: Easter Basket distribution
  • Saturday, June 14, 2025: Backback & School Supply Drive planning

For more information, contact Patti McGuire fat 702-804-8311 or 

Food Programs

Upcoming Monthly Food Drives
  • March 1 & 2
  • April 5 & 6 (Easter Basket Drive items will  be accepted also)
  • May 3 & 4
  • June 7 & 8 
  • July: NONE
  • August 2 & 3 (Backpack Drive items will be accepted also)

Our Food Pantry holds a food drive each month requesting non-perishable food items and personal hygiene products (see below a list of the most needed items and information on our drive-through drop-off area).  Although our food drives are monthly, donations of non-perishable food can be placed in the donation bins in the gathering space of both the church and the parish hall any time that the church is open. Thank you for your generosity!

    Food Pantry Invitation
    If you find yourself needing food assistance, please call 702-804-8317 to leave a message. Your call will be returned by either the food pantry coordinator or a vetted volunteer to schedule an appointment to pick up food. All information is confidential. We make the food pick-up process discreet and safe. Thank you for trusting us and letting us help!
    Food Distribution....If you are in need of food, call 702-804-8317.
    Food distribution is by appointment and continues once a month on specific Saturday mornings.

    The Food Pantry is a program provided by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's Human Concerns Ministry in cooperation with Three Square Food Bank. It is intended for people and families in financial distress. Recipients must register (answer brief questions about household, housing, etc.) and schedule an appointment at 702-804-8317 to pick up food. Appointments are Required. Non-food items are also available.

    Upcoming Distribution Dates and Times
    Appointments Required....Call 702-804-8317
    Distribution 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on the following days:
    • February 22
    • March 29
    • April 26
    • May 31
    • June 21
    • July 26
    • August 30 
    • September 27

    Food Pantry Invitation
    If you find yourself needing food assistance, please call 702-804-8317 to leave a message. Your call will be returned by either the food pantry coordinator or a vetted volunteer to schedule an appointment to pick up food. All information is confidential. We make the food pick-up process discreet and safe. Thank you for trusting us and letting us help!

    Golden Groceries
    Golden Groceries is a program provided by Three Square Food Bank and administered by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's Human Concerns Ministry for people age 60 and better. There is no registration and no appointment is needed. Food will be distributed the first Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or until all food runs out. No non-food items are distributed with Golden Groceries.

    Distribution Dates:
    • March 1
    • April 5
    • May 3
    • June 7
    • July 5 (Tentative)
    • August 2
    • September 6

    A Special Message to parishioners who may be struggling financially, especially with food.


    Maybe you have been struggling month after month for some time to make ends meet. Layoffs and job losses are reported almost every week. We understand you may NEVER have been in a position of needing or asking for help. Now is the time to lean on your church family for assistance. We are here for you. You are not alone.


    A Special Invitation


    If you need food assistance, please call 702-804-8317 and follow the prompts to leave a message. Your call will be returned by either the food pantry coordinator or a vetted volunteer to schedule your appointment. All information is confidential. We will make the process of picking up food discreet and safe. Thank you for trusting us and letting us help!

    Most Needed Non-Food Items:



    Household Items

    Toilet Paper

    Paper Towels

    Paper Plates

    Dishwashing soap (example Dawn)

    Dishwasher soap (example Cascade)

    Cleaning items (Example toilet cleaners,

    Windex, etc)

    Clorox Wipes

    Laundry Detergent

    Garbage bags


    Personal Hygiene Items


    Body Wash





    Shaving Cream

    Denture Cream Adhesive

    Denture Cleaner

    Disposable wipes

    Adult Disposable Briefs - protective underwear - Large/X-Large


    Baby Items

    Diapers (Sizes 4, 5 and 6)

    Toddler Pull Ups

    Baby Wipes

    Pet Needs
    Dog/Cat Food
    Cat Litter

    Suggested Food Donations

    • Cereal
    • Juice Boxes
    • Peanut Butter
    • Canned Meat
    • Ramen Noodles
    • Snacks for Lunches
    • Ready-to-eat Soups
    • Canned or Dried Beans
    • Pasta & Pasta/Spaghetti Sauce
    • Canned Pasta (Spaghetti O's, Ravioli)
    • Personal Hygiene Items
    • Diapers
    • Baby Wipes
    • Laundry Detergent
    • Dish Washing Soap

    Social Justice Advocacy
    You are invited to be part of our SEAS Nevadans for the Common Good (NCG) monthly team meeting every first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the parish hall. Learn how NCG works, and get involved with advocationg for issues that are important to our community. Questions? Contact Patti McGuire at 
    702-804-8311 or

    SEAS NCG Team Meeting Dates

    March 4
    April 8
    May 6
    June 3
    July 1

    Conversations with My Neighbor


    St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church invites you to

    “Conversations with My Neighbor”. 

    We want to hear from you! 

    What are you and your family dealing with? 

    What are the pressures in our community?


    Saturday, March 15, 2025

    9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. in the parish hall


    Sunday, June 1, 2025

    9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. in the parish hall


    You are invited to participate in any or all of the conversations! Feel free to bring along a friend or family member. Light refreshments will be served. If you have questions or need more information, contact Patti McGuire at 702-804-8311 or  


    If you have questions, contact Pastoral Associate for Human Concerns Patti McGuire at 702-804-8311 or With your generous support of our Human Concerns & Outreach Ministry and food pantry, we will continue to serve the most vulnerable people and families in our community.  Thank you!