Televised Masses for the sick and homebound will be celebrated and recorded on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. The Masses that will be celebrated and the times:
- 9:30 a.m. - Six Sunday in Ordinary Time
- 10:15 a.m. - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
- 11:00 a.m. - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
You can be a part of this important ministry to the sick and homebound simply by participating as a member of the congregation. You can attend as many of the Masses as you wish. Please join us! The Sunday Mass on television is an outreach of the Diocese of Las Vegas that serves those who, for reasons outside of their control, are unable to attend Sunday Mass. For those who are interested in viewing our televised Masses, or might know someone who would be comforted by this outreach, these Masses can be viewed here on our website each week, and on the CW Network every Sunday morning. Check your local listings.
When you attend the taping of these televised Masses, and participate as a member of the assembly, you remind the homebound that they are loved by their brothers and sisters in Christ, and that they remain a vibrant part of our faith community. Please join us!