Adult Faith Formation Programs

• Becoming Catholic
• Welcome Home

• Sponsors for Becoming Catholic 
and/or Welcome Home

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

The current series of Becoming Catholic began on September 5, 2024

with sessions on Thursdays 6-8 p.m.

in the parish hall meeting rooms.

For more information, please contact 

Marcie Wilske at (702-804-8370).


Becoming Catholic Registration Form

Becoming Catholic Payment Link - Make Payments HERE

Becoming Catholic Session Schedule

Have your travels taken you near and far? Is there a deep longing within you for something more? Catholicism is a way of life and becoming a Catholic is a life long journey in faith.

Becoming Catholic is a process which educates in the Catholic faith and, 
if so desired, prepares adults to receive the sacraments of the Church. 
More than that, it involves entering into a relationship 
with the risen Christ and a community of God’s people.

Welcome Home

The spring session of Welcome Home begins February 18, 2025.
Sessions will be held on Tuesdays 6:30-8 p.m. 
in the parish hall meeting rooms.
For more information and to register, contact Marcie Wilske at (702-804-8370).

Do you know someone who has fallen away from the Catholic Church? 
Or maybe you are an adult (age 18 and older) in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation?

If you know someone who has fallen away from the Catholic Church...Statistics show that most people who have drifted away from the Catholic Church still identify themselves as Catholics — it’s ingrained into their very being. Many want to return to the sacramental life of the Catholic Church, but don’t know where to start. Do you know somebody who has been away from the Catholic Church? Often, all it takes is a word of invitation. Invite them to explore our Welcome Home Ministry. We offer a series of sessions designed to help seekers find answers to their questions, rediscover their Catholic roots, and gently return to the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. 

If you are an adult (age 18 and older) in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation...There are many reasons why baptized Catholics who have received the sacrament of Holy Eucharist sometimes do not complete their initiation into the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Regardless of your situation, we invite you to grow in your faith and complete your sacramental initiation into the Catholic Church. Our Welcome Home Ministry offers a 9-week series of sessions designed to accompany you through this process.

Parish Sponsors Needed for

Becoming Catholic and Welcome Home Ministries - Is This You???

People who are exploring membership into the Catholic Church or who are seeking to complete their initiation into the sacramental life of the Church don't always know a good, practicing Catholic who can walk this journey with then. Thank goodness our SEAS community is filled with such people! 

Here are 6 reasons to be a


1.  Weekly small groups are fun, friendly, and fulfilling
2.  You want to give back to God and your parish
3.  Other people's faith journeys are super interesting!
4.  It's been a minute since you've felt inspired about your faith
5.  You love talking about all things Catholic
6.  We can't bring in new members without YOU!

A Becoming Catholic or Welcome Home parish sponsor is one who has an obvious faith life, is available for weekly sessions (Tuesday or Thursday nights), is a good listener, and is willing to serve as a mentor and companion to those seeking to discover the joy of Jesus and the Catholic Church. 

For more information, contact Marcie 
at or 702-804-8370.



We will be having a meeting of all RCIA and Welcome Home Team members on Thursday, August 31, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall conference room. Anybody interested in becoming a parish sponsor for individuals going through those programs is also invited to attend. This will be an opportunity to hear more about our RCIA and Welcome Home ministries, meet our team members, and better understand the role of a sponsor in the life of those seeking to receive sacraments in the Catholic Church. 
If you have any questions, please contact Marcie Wilske at or 702-804-8370.