
Confirmation is part of the
Youth, Young Adult & 
Family Life 
(YYAFL) Ministry

Maureen Sisto 
Pastoral Associate for
Youth, Young Adults & 
Family Life (YYAFL)

Aviel Geronimo
Assistant to YYAFL

Christina Schaerer
Assistant to YYAFL

Youth Ministry Phone:

Youth Ministry

• Confirmation (Grades 9-12)

•  Jr. High Youth Group (Grades 6-8)

Sr. High Youth Group and Service Encounters

Calling all High Schoolers - grades 9-12!
Want to experience faith, fellowship and fun? Join our Sr. High Youth Group!
For our schedule and information, text @hsygseas to 81010 to sign up for our Remind.

(Grades 9-12 who are NOT enrolled in Confirmation)

Jr. High Youth Group and Service Encounters

Are you in Junior High (Grades 6-8)?
Do you want to learn about God in a fun, loving and safe environment?
Join our Jr. High Youth Group.
For information, send @jhygseas to 81010 to stay up-to-date on all JHYG events!

The mission for Faith Formation programs of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish embodies the four-fold purpose of formation and education in the Christian faith, namely:

to provide an atmosphere in which the gospel message is proclaimed,

community in Christ is experienced,

service to our sisters and brothers is the norm,

and thanksgiving and worship of our God is cultivated.

(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 

Renewing our Commitment to Catholic Education and Secondary Schools, Washington, D.C., 2005)


Our commitment is to support the family’s life-long relationship with God

in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.