Parish News and Events

Preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony? Check out the Marriage Preparation and Natural Family Planning classes offered in our Diocese.

Our Stewardship Directory is available in the gathering space of the church. Pick one up today and return as soon as possible to the parish office or drop it in the collection basket during mass. Thank you.

Volunteer Opportunity

Please help us improve the parking experience by

volunteering your time and becoming a Parking Lot

Monitor. Benefits Include:

• Meeting your fellow parishioners

• Getting involved

• Improving safety in the parking areas

•Improve parking space  utilization

• Sunshine therapy

If you are interested, please speak to Fr. Bede or send

him an email with your questions and contact information to

SEAS Marriage Encounter

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church invites couples to attend the Marriage Encounter group meeting held the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Any Marriage Encountered Couples are encouraged to participate. For additional information, please contact Sue at 702-454-5352 or

Sacristans Altar Servers

Come and see what these ministries have to offer you and what you can offer to these ministries! 

Altar Servers - Second Saturday of the Month 8:30 am

Sacristans - Fourth Saturday of the Month 8:30 am

Are you looking for your niche in our catholic community? St Elizabeth Ann Seton will be offering in-service training for Altar Servers and Sacristans. Sessions will include one-on-one training; answering questions; plus light refreshments. Sessions will begin immediately following morning Mass.

Questions may be addressed to Terry Biles at 702-672-4933 or