• Parents or guardians are registered members of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish or a Catholic Parish in the Las Vegas Diocese. Regular attendance at Sunday Liturgy is part of the formation process.
• Registration fee is $150.00 per child. No child will be turned away due to financial difficulty.
• Families must provide a Birth and Baptism Certificate at the time of registration, if not already submitted.
• Sacrament preparation at SEAS is a family preparation process that requires the participation of the child and the parent throughout the formation years.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)
This is a two-year process for children who were not baptized as infants, who have attained the age of reason (7 years), are of catechetical age, and who will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil in their second year of preparation.
First Eucharist Initiation:
The two-year preparation process to celebrate First Eucharist teaches children about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The child and the parent will participate in retreats in their second year.
Continuing Formation:
Children in 3 grade and higher who are baptized, and have received First Eucharist will continue their formation in age appropriate classes. It is the practice of our faith that formation is ongoing and is a life-long journey.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS):
This is a hands-on, interactive working environment where children are guided toward a greater understanding of God’s love in their life. They encounter Jesus the Good Shepherd, who loves them, cares for them and knows them by name. Children are most sensitive to a relationship with God between the ages of 3-6. For this reason we provide formal faith formation for young children.
Registration packets are available in the Faith Formation Office and Gift Shop beginning Monday, April 18, 2016.
http://www.seaslv.org/faithformation.html - please check the link- I’ll send you the forms to upload soon
For more information please contact our office:
Main Office Number: (702) 804-8306
We offer formation classes for children preparing for First Eucharist, Baptism (older than 7 years), Continuing Formation (after receiving the sacraments), and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program.
Classes - Tuesdays and Thursdays. Times: 4:30–5:40pm or 6-7:10pm
- Parents or guardians are registered members of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish or a Catholic Parish in the Las Vegas Diocese. Regular attendance at Sunday Liturgy is part of the formation process.
- Registration fee is $150.00 per child. No child will be turned away due to financial difficulty.
- Families must provide a Birth and Baptism Certificate at the time of registration, if not already submitted.
- Sacrament preparation at SEAS is a family preparation process that requires the participation of the child and the parent throughout the formation years.
Class Dates 2019-2020
Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)
This is a two-year process for children who were not baptized as infants, who have attained the age of reason (7 years), are of catechetical age, and who will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil in their second year of preparation.
First Eucharist Initiation:
The two-year preparation process to celebrate First Eucharist teaches children about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The child and the parent will participate in retreats in their second year.
Continuing Formation:
Children in 3 grade and higher who are baptized, and have received First Eucharist will continue their formation in age appropriate classes. It is the practice of our faith that formation is ongoing and is a life-long journey.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS):
This is a hands-on, interactive working environment where children are guided toward a greater understanding of God’s love in their life. They encounter Jesus the Good Shepherd, who loves them, cares for them and knows them by name. Children are most sensitive to a relationship with God between the ages of 3-6. For this reason we provide formal faith formation for young children.